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Chesie's Journal: Standing Together

This past week was amazing, illustrating that by standing together we are stronger. Our standing together gives me hope for a community where tribal sovereignty is honored and where all voices are heard for community safety, police accountability and healing. I have hope that we can transform into a community that appreciates diversity, that includes all in decision-making, and that thrives with economic equity.

  • Sunday started with hearing Dr. George “Tink” Tinker share how “Land Back” means more than returning stolen land.

  • Monday and Tuesday with network friends we learned how we become stronger from the bottom up.

  • On Tuesday the Social Justice Fund announced that the Riverton Peace Mission - one of only 10 organizations in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho - is awarded a grant for community organizing.

  • Thursday evening at a Candlelight Vigil outside of City Hall more than 50 stood together against violence for “Never Again in Riverton.”

These activities converge as we move forward for peace and justice. We continue our petition to ask City Council to establish a committee to address racism by collecting data, training staff and officials, and allocating resources. We continue our conversations with the Riverton City Administrator and other officials.

The Native American Voter Project organizers will help increase voter turnout in the General Election for a stronger voice for Native Americans. We will learn from the “Know Your Rights” event how to increase equity in law enforcement encounters, voting, and housing and for victims of sexual assault.

We have been invited to have Native American voices heard to select the next Riverton Circuit Court Judge. Attorneys interested have until October 12th to apply. For more information on the selection process, go to

I look forward the next two months to meeting with Highlands Presbyterian Church, that contributes financially monthly to the Riverton Peace Mission, as the congregation discerns what it means to worship God on land stolen from Native Americans. The discernment process includes studying scripture, such as 1st Kings 21:1-16 where Jezabel conspired to steal a vineyard from Indigenous people.

Yes, we accomplish more by standing together.

Fear not. Be humble. Have faith. Be bold. Build relationships. Do justice.

Chesie Lee

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