I applaud those who give to the Riverton Peace Mission (RPM) to support waking up the community to repair inequities that harm Native Americans. RPM is on a path towards cooperative wholistic action centered on the needs of the most vulnerable for shelter, healing, and safety. Systems that punish the poor and the oppressed never solve anything. Change is coming if RPM can continue our work.
We are at a turning point. RPM’s next steps require funds. We propose a modest annual budget of $84,500. Counting commitments, we have raised 38.5% of our goal. Pending grant applications could possibly bring in another $25,000 or more, but RPM cannot count on that. Decisions are months away.
Last year WyoGives Day in July brought RPM $5,000 plus a $8,200 match for a total of $13,200, a nice lift for RPM. Unfortunately, the WyoGives rules for 2023 have changed to prevent RPM from receiving a match this July. One rule change is that the organization must have its 501(c)(3) status for at least 2 years. RPM has not. Another disappointing rule change is that organizations working on justice issues likely won’t get a match. RPM is challenged with how to make up the loss in anticipate revenue from 2023 WyoGives.
A shout out to generous donors last year: The Social Justice Fund NW for $15,000 with $15,000 more each of the next 3 years; Resist for $3,000; churches – namely, Highlands Presbyterian Church in Cheyenne that sends checks monthly and hosted a recent fundraiser for RPM, Christ Episcopal Church in Cody through its Bargain Box ministries making the Summit for the Unhoused possible, and St Paul’s United Church of Christ in Laramie; many individual donors who contributed $500 to $2,000 each; and individuals who regularly give on line or mail checks. Without this generosity for justice, RPM’s work would not be possible.
Can you help to reach our goal? No donation is too small, as they add up. You may give online at the button below or mail checks to RPM at PO Box 255, Riverton WY 82501.
Fear not. Be humble. Have faith. Be bold. Build relationships. Do justice.
Chesie Lee